Simulation of solidification time distribution of ductile iron nuclear spent fuel container

The simulated solidification time distribution of ductile iron spent fuel container is shown in the figure.

As can be seen from the figure:

(1) The two edges of the spent fuel container of nodular iron core solidify first, and the last solidification part is in the inner part of the center (shown in red color in the figure);

(2) The simulation solidification time of spent fuel container is 3.49 H.

The simulation results and experimental data are analyzed

(1) The simulated solidification sequence of ductile iron spent fuel container is basically consistent with that of 45 ° sector block experiment;

(2) The difference between the simulated solidification time (3.49h) and the experimental solidification time (3.42h) is about 2%, which indicates that the simulation software is basically consistent with the experimental data. The simulation software can be used to optimize the casting process of 100 ton ductile iron spent fuel container.

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