Before producing sand castings, we should first prepare more scientific documents that can control the production process of this kind of sand castings. These are the so-called sand casting process design, that is, according to the requirements of sand castings, including production batch and production conditions, as well as the structural analysis of sand castings, so as to determine the sand casting process scheme, relevant process parameters and process procedures, and prepare the standard process card, And design the whole process of process equipment. In all sand casting fields, sand casting process CAD has epoch-making significance. It indicates that sand casting process has undergone a great change and leap. The ultimate purpose of the research and application of sand casting process CAD is to optimize the sand casting process, obtain the best quality sand castings with the least human and material resources and the highest efficiency, so as to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
With the rapid development of computer technology, computer is more and more widely used in the field of sand casting, which makes the CAD system of sand casting process gradually form and develop. In 1983, Professor pehlke from the University of Michigan and Professor berry from Georgia Institute of technology put forward the concept of sand casting CAD process system in their respective reports at the special conference on computer simulation of casting solidification of the 50th International sand casting conference, and considered it an organic combination of computer simulation, geometric simulation and database. Up to now, sand casting process has developed, The complete or generalized CAD of sand casting process includes two aspects: process design and process optimization, that is, integrated CAD of sand casting process. Its purpose is to use computer to help foundry workers optimize sand casting process, predict casting defects, determine sand casting scheme, estimate casting cost and so on. After more than ten years of exploration and research, computer-aided design has been more and more widely used in industry. It also provides a good tool for the scientization and accuracy of sand casting process. It is called one of the important contents of sand casting technology development and production development.
At present, the sand mold casting process CAD system developed at home and abroad can be roughly divided into general and special casting process CAD. (1) The general casting CAD system is mainly used for the design of ordinary sand casting process, which is divided into cast steel, gray cast iron, nodular iron and non-ferrous alloy. Its functions include gating system design, feeding system design, determination of parting surface, draft angle and machining allowance, dimensioning, and output of process drawing and process card; (2) The special casting system is mainly used for casting process design in some specific scope and purpose, such as die casting mold CAD, valve body CAD, gear CAD, frame CAD, cylinder CAD, crankshaft CAD, blade CAD, molding line casting process design CAD, etc.