Wang Min and others from Harbin Harbin Harbin Boiler Valve Co., Ltd. take DN300 and PN25 cast valve bodies as carriers and adopt the design details of valve parts of the plant as well as the design standards of Class I valves of American ASME Boiler and Pressurized Vessel Code NB3500~3545 and the former West German Steam Boiler Technical Code TRD301.The strength evaluation criteria such as cylinder under internal pressure are analyzed and compared. Although there are some differences in calculation methods, the results are basically the same. The stress analysis of the valve body is carried out by finite element simulation software, which makes the designer more intuitive to understand the stress distribution and deformation of the valve body structure. A model applied to stress analysis of parts of complex model is put forward to make the valve more intuitive.The design of the door is more in accordance with the design idea of stress analysis method in ASME regulation.
Huang Jinjin of Shanghai Jiaotong University analyzed the flow capacity of main steam valve of steam turbine and calculated and analyzed the stress distribution of valve body under supercritical and supercritical conditions respectively. It is concluded that the stress concentration is obvious at the transition of control valve and steam chamber, and smooth transition is suggested to reduce the stress concentration here.
Liao Yaoyao and others from Taiyuan University of Technology studied various influencing factors on stress of valve sleeve of electro-hydraulic change-over valve for hydraulic support, analyzed the effects of diameter of damping hole, form of valve and static pressure on stress and dynamic performance of valve body. The results show that mechanical impact and pressure pulsation during valve opening and closing are the main causes of valve fatigue damage, while diameter of damping holeEqual parameters are the main factors affecting pressure shock; the maximum stress of integrated valves is lower than that of discrete valves; an effective method for solving fatigue fracture of hydraulic change-over valves is proposed.