The research on the lost foam casting process of gray cast iron gearbox box is studied. Firstly, the three-dimensional modeling of the gearbox box is carried out by using SolidWorks software. After the modeling is completed, the free edges and surfaces of the three-dimensional drawing of the gearbox box are repaired by geomesh software. Finally, the ProCAST software is imported, and the meshcast module is used to divide the surface grid and volume grid, Set the parameters in the precast module, operate in ProCAST, and finally observe the simulation results in visualcast. Comparing the actual production results with the simulation results, it is found that they are basically consistent, and the accuracy of the simulation results has been verified. Based on the simulation results, the casting process of gearbox was optimized. The main research contents and technical roadmap are as follows:
1) The three-dimensional modeling of the gearbox is carried out, and the modeling software is SolidWorks.
2) Repair the three-dimensional diagram of the gearbox, and the repair software is geomesh.
3) Mesh the gearbox, set the process parameters, calculate and observe the simulation results. ProCAST simulation software is used.
4) The accuracy of ProCAST software simulation results is verified. By comparing the actual production results with the simulation results, it is found that they are basically consistent.
5) Based on the simulation results of the original process, a new gating system is designed and simulated, the simulation results are analyzed and the gating system is further optimized; Then several groups of different pouring temperatures and vacuum degrees are designed and simulated, and the simulation results are compared to determine the most reasonable process parameters, so as to guide the actual production of the gearbox.